This is the
U-Can-Do 3D
by Great Planes
It is NOT a "Great Plane" by any sense! It is way WAY too heavy - requires an enormous motor, battery & esc! They are so big I haven't used them since! ALL of my other planes are 1/2 the weight... or even lighter! :-) So these purchases were a waste!
So was the plane. It flew "ok" - but, even with high rates turned on (huge control throws on all the surfaces) it lacked any "snap" or responsiveness at all. It was very disappointing.
Everything’s a learning opportunity though – right! J So… I have to admit I did learn one thing by having this plane! I learned that epp is THE BEST building material for “Real Peaple.” Yes, some guys can afford the time & money to build for 5 days and go smash their plane to smithereens after one flight and then go home (after swinging by the hobby store for more parts & building materials! L) and start building all over again… for FIVE DAYS! Nuts! Not me! I’m a really REALLY normal guy! I have a life - a family - a job – etc that demands my time!
EPP foam flexes & bends when you crash… or have a rough landing. This is especially important when you start flying indoors & low to the ground. Crashes happen often then – as you only have a foot or so “grace” period to make a mistake – then you crash!
So, by discovering epp as a building material, I’ve discovered something that is extremely durable & “real world” friendly to those of us that don’t have a million bucks & 24hrs a day to spend on the hobby – we just want to FLY! J
Why has the hobby industry not gone this direction? I don’t know – probably money. They do make allot more money off that “buy, build, crash & re-buy” cycle after all. L The other reason might be the PERCEPTION that epp is too flexible... so much so that a rigid airframe can’t be built for performance 3D flying. Well – that’s just plain not true… and there are several designers that are having great success with epp as a building material. I’ll highlight them – and my exploits with them in future blogs.
I've even built a few from scratch myself like the one currently ( 1-7-08) in the heading at the top of the blog. She ain't pretty - but, she flies really well - my first epp design - and probably my last now that I'm tied in with Jimmy Wade! He rocks! But - I'll save his planes for a future blog. :-)
Till then, God bless, and happy flying!