Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The BOUNCER by Tufflight.com

First off – I LOVE this plane! Knife edge loops - no problem! Ha! I've only been able to do those on a sim - never on a real plane as none of mine have had the rudder authority to handle it - but wow - check out the video below for yourself! This plane really performs!

AND - as readers to my blog know, I love building in epp as its very forgiving in crashes. The only limitation I’ve had with it is that no one has been designing anything in epp that is BIG enough for flying outdoors in wind. Mostly I fly indoors, so this hasn’t been too big of an issue – but on those nice summer days… I’d LOVE to be flying outdoors – and my 6oz 3D planes just get blown around in those summer breezes! :-( Well, the BOUNCER has changed everything! Now I can have a BIG outdoor plane that can handle the wind – in an epp airframe that can handle the crashes! :-) Check out my video below to see crashes for yourself! One was “dumb thumbs” – one was battery running out (and I was inverted, so cart-wheeled it in for a "landing" trying to right it!) – and one was of me over shooting the runway by a bit! :-)

Also, see down below the video & pictures in this post for more info on this great plane!

Ok… now for a little background:

Living in the same geographical area as a major RC Plane designer – has its benefits! Mark & Joe from Tufflight.com have recently designed & launched this new plane, the BOUNCER. When I got wind of a Beta version they were testing, I wanted in! A few email exchanges later – and I was taking possession of the plane. Well, of a pile of foam, parts & electronics actually... :-) ...as obviously it wasn't built yet!

Now, on the build itself, I built mine completely stock – using the exact electronics that they recommend and sell for use on it. I highly recommend this approach – as then you KNOW that the plane will perform as per the designers intent. And PERFORM it does!

The plane itself went together very easily. As this was a Beta version of the plane, I was building from pictures only – so I can’t comment on building from the instructions that they now include with the plane. I can say however that the build is pretty straightforward – and that I have seen the instructions that now ship with the plane – and they look great. Should easily facilitate the building of this plane.

Building in epp greatly increases the "crashability" of a plane - however, one down side is the need to stiffen the plane up so that it performs crisply. But, make it too stiff, and it won't survive crashes well. Well... Mark & Joe have engineered this plane perfectly in my opinion... stiffening the plane up in all the right places to make a very competent 3D performer - while at the same time, keeping all of those "crash spots" pure epp so that the plane can take a beating. Add to that their ingeniously unique motor mount and landing gear - and  wow - what a plane!

To see more pictures & video of the plane visit tufflights website by clicking HERE.

Wingspan: 40”
Length: 44”
Weight: 24oz w/1250 mAH 3S lipo
Motor: Himax HC3510-1100 Outrunner or 250 W equivalent
Radio: 4 channels
Wing Area: 429 sq in

(4) Hitec HS 65 Servos
(1) Castle Creations Thunderbird 36 ESC
(1) Himax HC3510-1100 Outrunner Motor
(1) APC prop, 11x5.5e
Radio: Spektrum DX7 Transmitter
Receiver: Spektrum AR6110E DSM2 Microlite 6-Ch. End-Pin

Have any questions – let me know. You can contact me here through this blog – or, by using the comments section under the video on YouTube (click HERE to jump to it).

Click HERE to see  RC Universe thread on the plane & build.

Click HERE to see the BOUNCER flying with lights / LED's at night - very cool! And  click HERE to see how they did it / a RC Universe thread showing "how to" put the LED's  on the BOUNCER.

 Click HERE to see a Profile Brotherhood thread on it.

In summary - I love this plane! It performs extremely well - is straightforward to build - uses economical batteries -  is in a size & weight range that makes it very suitable to outdoor flying - and best of all - its EPP durable!